+971 56 274 1211

Performere ABLER

ABLER is a Holistic /Modular and Customisable EEP package (Employee engagement program) that compliments the HR functionary with a ROBUST green channel that Enables a Superior connect with its workforce!

ABLER’s Delivery vehicle is ORGEXTRA, a bouquet of HR-service options for the organization to choose from.

Customizable to suit the organization’s Strategic, Operational and Business plans!

Backed by Smart-Metrics, the actioners and roll-outs elicit valid data for Analytics, helping the organization make Informed-Decisions!

ORGEXTRA infrastructure works like a good Orchestra, helping the HR department and the organization get real, in measuring its workforce-resilience and productivity more realistically.

Metrics driven Data-elicitation, Data-management and Analytics helps the organization identify the Drivers & Thrivers amongst its workforce, identify gaps to fill for parity on individual and Team performance.

The program design helps the Organisation measure the change dynamically, through the curve, and not just at any fixed point of time. Orgextra design fosters a comprehensive feedback mechanism including Longitudinal surveys, enabling the organization receive the invaluable ‘Signal-value’ (Employee sentiment measure) on policy decisions, strategic deployments as well as Pre & Post Disruption impact on ground!

Some salient service sub-sets under ORGEXTRA are;


Proactive Intervention & Negotiation Governance

  • Ensuring uninterrupted implementation


Continuous Performance Appreciation

  • Going beyond conventional PMS & PIP


Knowing the REAL work-force (HR) needs of the organization

  • Going beyond intuitive intelligence & unstructured data pools


Kinesthetising neo-initiatives in Training

  • Impact-analyzed dynamic L&D re-design


All Initiatives Mind-Mapped

  • Stakeholders mapped to OKRs based Goal-realization


Winning Attributes’ Learning-curve

  • Walking the TALK… Getting the Transformation practices grounded


Practising Learned-Attributes, Neutralising Challenges

  • Dynamic event-scheduling, ensuring effective program implementation


Successfully Internalizing X-Factor, Performance-Assured Competency

  • Building up the performance-muscle within the workforce and organizational support-infrastructure


Continued Optimisation, Leverage, Legitimisation & Elevation of Competency Traits

  • Analytics supported competency-goal attainment


Transformation Monitor

  • Dash-boards on the go for an Agile, techno-savvy workforce


Fun-filled work practices, to neautralise any undue stress build-up at work

  • Gamification, & DEI driven engagements at work!


Bringing the IT team IN!

  • Enabling the IT team to help HR team build & govern a robust HRIS platform


EQ Uplifting Attribute & Life-skills Living!

  • EQUALL ensures the smooth delivery of ORGEXTRA through its myriad of initiations

We would love to work with you on your Transformation Journey!

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