+971 56 274 1211

Performere REALL

REALL is a Holistic /Modular and Customisable ‘Soft-Skills Enabler’ package that hand-holds every student through a systemic Upskilling program!

The beauty of the program-design is that it facilitates the platform & training without disturbing the Academic and other Extra curricular activities’ schedules.

It compliments the Academic and other activities in such a profound way that REALL participants would start performing in Academic and allied school activities in Superior levels.


  • An aptly-Gamified program with outdoor, indoor & Meta-physical activities with an ambience fostering active participation.
  • Continued participation helps the student bring out his/her innate potential.
  • Genius within each student emerges!


  • A continuous program that creates an Intra & Inter-school network of students into extraversial-capacity building excercises.
  • The network helps the young participants develop themselves into become Mature, sociable, lively, collaborative, appreciative & proactive human beings with high EQ (Emotional intelligence)
  • Both the REALL programs smartly sync with the institution’s academic calendar and allied activities.
  • Program activities are designed to build up Cognitive intelligence of the participants to a supreme level.
  • While the varied activities under the programs continue to get going, data is smartly gathered and aptly analysed.
  • The program compliments the participants with feedback for individual corrections & suggestions for improvement.
  • The individual domain is respected and each participant develops a great attribute to take control of his/her grooming-cycles. This rewards the participant with a superior self-concept and efficacy for life!

We would love to work with you on your Transformation Journey!

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